Friday 20 November 2009

Christmas Market: "Marches de Noel," Paris, France

Christmas is my favorite time of the year. As a young child, my mom and I spent many hours making decorations and preparing our home for the Christmas holidays. Anywhere in the world I go, I look forward to the preparations undertaken for the holiday season. Particular to Europe is the "Marches de Noel" - Christmas Markets.
Tonight, the Christmas lights will brighten up the Avenue de Champs Elysees, from the Arc de Triomphe...

to the Place de la Concorde. Somewhere in between, the Marches de Noel - the Christmas Markets have been set up and will be open from now 'til December 28th.

The first Marchés de Noël was held in 1570 in front of the Cathedral in Strasbourg, as a manifestation of a municipal protestant community. Now, Christmas markets are put up in many European countries as part of the holiday experience.

Today, it represents one of the most picturesque experiences of the Christmas spirit - with hundreds of stall holders offering traditional, hand-made, artisanale this collection of "Santon" characters to create a creche...

chocolate bark treats by the kilo...

macaroons, cookies, mini rhum cakes, and many more baked goodies to pick up and eat while shopping...

spiced baked goods, with fruits and nuts from the region of Alsace...

candies, sold by the kilo for the young and old...

chocolate coated apples, marzipan and other sweet treats to enjoy or give as presents.

During the whole day, but especially on long winter evenings, the smell of mulled wine - cinnamon and spices, and hot doughnuts entice the visitors...

and the different food stands' aromatic flavors invite one to stop, look, and try out something that is pleasing to the palate..

cooked over big, giant grills and extra large pots, they serve different sausages, schwarma, a pita, a baguette, or a barquette...


you can even request your own concoction, as my daughter did - French fries topped with caramelized onions and a dollop of ketchup and mayonnaise.

For the families who come, usually, the main attractions of the Market are the big Christmas tree ...

and here, there is even a fake-snow making machine...

and the rides for the children.

For this gift-shopping experience, you will also find other products from here and other parts of the world...such as these unique items...

one-of-a-kind hand-painted, Christmas ornament glass balls...

practical and attractive woven products from Mexico, made from recycled materials...

a varied selection of tea for the tea drinkers...

lamps made with a drift wood/stone base...

towel tasty-looking shapes...

artisanale soaps...

and these tantalizing, moving, metallic mobiles!

There is so much more to see. I shared with you what I found palatable, attractive, quaint, and useful! Make a visit yourself to one of these markets. If you can't, I hope you were delighted to make this visit with me. Happy holiday shopping!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks, Yogi, for sharing this experience with us who live so far away! Next time we visit you, we'll try to make it during the Christmas season so we can enjoy these delights together! ;o)

  3. Great post, Yogi. Love the photos. Christmas is still Christmas even if we don't get the excitement we had as kids. Maybe we should try and relearn that elation we found at this time of the year.

    As it is already hot and possibly reaching 40˚C (104 F) today, it's kinda weird seeing everyone all rugged up. Happy Christmas to you and your.



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